Turn your Figma into a pixel-perfect Webflow or Shopify website. Get an instant quote and go live in few days.

Udesly Nexus Pricing

Use it for free and pay only when you go live. One-shot payment per project to get a never expiring license. The more licenses you buy in the same order, the more discount you get!



Convert your Webflow project into your favourite CMS with the Udesly App. No App features restriction.


Unlimited conversions


Unlimited pages per project


Lifetime Nexus App updates


Access to Nexus App older versions


Udesly banner not visible on your site

Start for Free

€49.00/per project (lifetime)

Receive a license code to remove the Udesly banner on your site. The license never expires, you can activate it when needed.


Unlimited conversions


Unlimited pages per project


Lifetime Nexus App updates


Access to Nexus App older versions


Udesly banner not visible on your site

The license is for single project (you can’t use it for a different project or for a duplicate of the same project).

Subscribe our YouTube channel

How it works?

In this video, we reveal some exciting news from Udesly, including our upcoming pricing structure change, the new version on the horizon, and our brand-new website udesly.nexus! 🚀


Frequently answered questions.

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Turn My Figma!

Turn your Figma into a pixel-perfect Webflow or Shopify website. Get an instant quote and go live in few days.
Turn My Figma
Webflow Templates
Pixel perfect design
We'll turn your Figma into a real Webflow or Shopify website.
Site maintenance
Ongoing updates and expert support to your live websites.

Webflow & Shopify, connected!

Smootify is the new Webflow App created by our team to run headless Shopify store totally in Webflow.
Discover Smootify